21 Day Challenge
Improve Your Eyesight

Read without glasses by April 10

Remember how excited you were when you attended my seminar and saw your eyesight improve for the first time? You could feel the tension dissolving as you practice the techniques. You may have had sharper vision when you left.

You could finally picture yourself with perfect eyesight. You knew then that it would work, that you could finally be free of glasses!

Where are you at now, with your vision? How will you reach your goal? I feel more than a little responsible for your progress. After all, I got you started improving your eyesight. (My mother always told me to “finish what you start!”) I would love to finish this project, to help you get all the way back to 20/20.

So I have created -- just for you -- a 21 day challenge to do that. This challenge is NOT for beginners, only for those who have already attended a seminar (or a series of private lessons), or have taken the online course Improving Close Vision -- Read Without Glasses at Any Age. (A quick way to qualify is to come in for a private lesson or enroll in the course by March 20.)

And it is only for those improving reading and close vision.

Space is limited to 12 people only! You want results. I want you to have them. For that, you need personal assistance. You'll get it here!

Here's what you receive:

  • Daily Assignment every morning --What to focus on, how to do it.
  • Daily LIVE coaching sessions every evening to iron out any kinks you encounter -- with the opportunity to be in the "hot seat" if you choose, or just observe and learn from others.
  • Daily support throughout the day, in a dedicated Slack group for the 21 Day Challenge participants -- you can direct message any person (including me!) or post to the group as a whole. Ask questions, get answers, report stumbling blocks, and share your successes in a conmunity that supports your success. (Slack provides online workspaces for business teams -- you join only by invitation, so each workspace is private for that team.)

All for only $127. Yes, I know -- it's too low, but I want to reward you for what you've already done, and move you forward improving your eyesight. It's going to be so much fun! See you on March 21.

Challenge dates are March 21 - April 10, 2020

Registration ends March 20

Read without glasses at any age -- 21 day challenge!

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